
Bugnauts is a team game project at USC developed by 8 engineers (including me!) and several other art, marketting, legal, desgin students.

Players play as Chloe in an Educational Third-Person Bullet Hell freeing bugs that are trapped in their phantom forms and learning about ecology along the way.

My Contribution

I assisted the lead engineer with Player Mechanics and Features

Player Mechanics

I was resposible to develop Chloe’s snappy movements (much like mario) based on game designers' requirments.

  • Movement and strafing

  • Dodging and Dashing

  • Jump and Coyote Time

At several places in the game the platformer style camera is switched to third person camera. I wrote a script to make this trasition smoother. I also wrote a script that overrides Cinemachine code to allow the player to rotate the virtual camera on key press.

Player Inventory System

I worked on the player’s inventory system where the character could collect bullets and store them in her inventory.

Players could later use the bullets to attack or heal.

Release on Steam

Try Again is now live on Steam with overwheleminly positive reviews.

Bugnauts! on Steam

Majority of the credit goes to the Try Again team.

My contribution to try again was miniscule in comparison to the countless hours the other members of the team put in.